Want a $50 Target Gift Card for after-holiday shopping? Read on…

If you are anything like my little family, you just finished taking your family Christmas photos. If you are anything like us again, you maybe had one good one in a sea of awkward ones.

Show Me The Awkward

Spare sending me the cute photos.

I’m in search of the awkward moments this Christmas. Because we Embrace the Awkward here.

Here are the rules:

  1. Share this post on Facebook.
  2. Post your awkward photo and use the hashtag: #EmbraceTheAwkward.
  3. There is no number 3.

My husband and I will pick who we think wins the most awkward photo award and we will mail them the gift card!

If you’re not gonna participate, at least subscribe here.

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*At least 15 people must participate for someone to win.

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